Различия между версиями 1 и 2
Версия 1 от 2016-04-28 00:18:22
Размер: 657
Редактор: RoLex
Версия 2 от 2016-04-28 00:18:48
Размер: 668
Редактор: RoLex
Удаления помечены так. Добавления помечены так.
Строка 3: Строка 3:
* Very low RAM and CPU usage
* It can hold more than 20.000 users
* Utility scripts for simple installation and hub management
* Export and import of hub setting via MySQL
* User management with privilegies
* Logging of nicks and IPs
* Clients and connection management
* Extend functionality with Lua, Python and Perl scripts
* Generate statistics for your hub
* Import users from PtokaX, Aquila or YnHub
* And alot more
 * Very low RAM and CPU usage
 * It can hold more than 20.000 users
 * Utility scripts for simple installation and hub management
 * Export and import of hub setting via MySQL
 * User management with privilegies
 * Logging of nicks and IPs
 * Clients and connection management
 * Extend functionality with Lua, Python and Perl scripts
 * Generate statistics for your hub
 * Import users from PtokaX, Aquila or YnHub
 * And alot more

Verlihub is a NeoModus Direct Connect server for Unix and Linux based operating systems that provides useful high level functions such as:

  • Very low RAM and CPU usage
  • It can hold more than 20.000 users
  • Utility scripts for simple installation and hub management
  • Export and import of hub setting via MySQL
  • User management with privilegies
  • Logging of nicks and IPs
  • Clients and connection management
  • Extend functionality with Lua, Python and Perl scripts
  • Generate statistics for your hub
  • Import users from PtokaX, Aquila or YnHub

  • And alot more

Website: http://www.te-home.net/?do=work&id=verlihub | Latest version:

Verlihub (последним исправлял пользователь RoLex 2016-04-28 00:18:48)